Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Musings of a mother of a colicky baby

Yup you've read right.  Ana has colic with a possible touch of reflux.  This was diagnosed last Monday when she started having a screaming fit at 12 pm and it didn't end until almost 8 or 9.  We went to the Dr to see if there was just anything else we could do for her.  The Doctor suggested getting a swing, which someone had already promised us....she loves it.  Then prescribed zantac, and suggested we get some gripe water for her to ease the gas. 

The past week has been a bit easier.  We have had a couple days when she just cries so much I want to break down myself.  I wish I could take all the pain she has on myself just so she can be the happy baby I know she is.  The episodes are getting shorter, but tonight's was quite intense.  We are told it goes away by the 4th month.  Thankfully the Dr doesn't think her prematurity should be an issue.  So we are nearing the end...and frankly it can't come soon enough.  I thank GOD that she won't remember this.  

Just so you all see this is our 3 month picture!

Blessings to you all