There are so many people I need to thank after the ordeal I went through 2 months ago. I figured that I can use my blog to do so. I am so grateful for so many people and what they did for me, big things and small things. I am blessed to have such a great support system around me. This may take a while but here it goes.
First to my parents Karen and Richard and my sister Jennifer. Upon my being admitted to the hospital, they notified my church's pastor and prayer chain. They visited me daily, and kept my spirits up. My sister even sat with me for a couple hours when I was miserable and we watched Dance Moms together, mainly because my best friend said it was an addicting show....she was right! My sister also made sure I had communion served to me, since I missed the service.
Next to Pastor Dorsey, who came and visited 3 times while I was admitted to the hospital, and visited little Anastasia in NICU. First she came bearing a stuffed animal for me. The final time she visited she brought clothes for Anastasia. I am so grateful that I had her company. When she visited NICU she prayed with Anastasia and I, and believe it or not, that was the last day she had an apnea of prematurity episode!
Thank you to the Sunday School of the United Methodist Church who made me a HUGE get well poster which I hung in my room (until I moved Tuesday night). It made me feel blessed and loved.
To Everyone who visited me in the hospital Beth, Stacy, Joel, Cindy, Brian, Jenn N, Ang, Jeff, Auntie, Terri, Heather, Karen, Carole, Nancy, & Linda you all helped me get through the roughest week of my life to date!
To everyone who called, left messages for me and what not, they truly helped, especially Danielle whose message I didn't get until after my surgery, but who stated, do not be afraid of having a section I've had 2 and I am fine.
Amanda and Joanna who visited me when I came home from the hospital without my Sweet Pea. They made what could have been a depressing day so much better. I was still sad, but they cheered me up greatly.
Dr. Chista Safajou, without her I probably would not be here. She is the one who noticed the problem with me, and made me go to the hospital. I was so mad at the time I was admitted, but so grateful by the time Wednesday afternoon came.
Dr. Kimberly Heller my fetal specialist, who kept telling me to "hang tight" and that we would figure this thing out. And then upon hearing how bad I was feeling Wednesday morning did not hesitate to give the order for my C section.
Dr. Elizabeth Call, the delivering Dr. She was calm and collected, even though I was not. She also saved my life by delivering my child.
Nurse Jenn B, who told me not to worry, it was her job. Having her in the operating room made me so relieved (as I had her as a nurse Saturday morning/afternoon). Luckily my friends all behaved so we didn't have to see her alter ego Rhonda.
The Nurses and PTs of the Maternity ward at VBMC They made my very stressful stay a bit better, by their professionalism and their positive attitude. One nurse talked to me for an hour the first night because I was so scared.
The Anesthesiologist (who I can't remember his name) he explained everything that would happen to me, and when I got uncomfortable he made sure I wasn't in pain.
The Nurses of NICU they took such good care of our Sweet Pea and I am so grateful for that
Drs Greig, Whitman and Kovacks of the NICU- they kept us informed of any major changes in Anastasia and treated her accordingly.
and finally last but not least my husband Alex, who was my rock during the whole ordeal. I don't think I was ever so happy to see him when he arrived at the hospital the night I was admitted, or when we finally got the catheter in me before my section
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