Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hard Decisions....

2 years ago Sunday I was admitted to Vassar Brothers hospital with slightly elevated blood pressure.  Here's the kicker, I felt absolutely fine.  In fact I was very adamant with my OB and honestly didn't want to go there at all.  

I had been on bed rest since 3/28/12.  I had to do a 24 hour urine analysis, which if you don't know what that is, you collect your pee and put it in a container that resembles a gas can.  When I went back to the Vassar Care Clinic (now Hudson River health) my liver enzymes were elevated and after consulting with my fetal specialist (that is another story all together) my OB told me I was to go the Vassar and stay the weekend, no ifs ands or buts about it.  

How frustrating.  I felt FINE!!!  In fact the weekend before I competed with my chorus in Philly!  So of course grumbling and frustrated I went to the hospital.  I got to sit in maternity's triage for probably a half hour.  My blood pressure was taken (again) as well as having a blood panel.  I remember being asked if I was having a boy did I want him circumsized.  I basically went I am having a girl, I have had 3 ultrasounds telling me so including the 3D one.  Then I was admitted to my room (one of many during my 8 day stay).  

One of the scary things was that my husband wasn't with me.  Alex was working at a different store and was in New Paltz.  When he got off of work he sped to the hospital to stay with me.  The next day we actually talked about what we should do if it came down to a decision between me and the baby.  That was probably the hardest decision we have ever had to made hands down.  I will not tell you what we decided because now it doesn't matter.  

As that day dragged on, Anastasia decided to hide from the fetal monitor for a few minutes, which caused my OB to move me to labor and delivery.  My first move of many that week.  The rest of that day I had many visitors.  Friends of ours came in and out, my family visited for a while.  I will never forget how good everyone made me feel.  

The next day was Palm Sunday again visitors galore.  My Chorus director and Team Coordinator came to see me.  My sister gave me communion and also pictures from the children at my church's Sunday School.  I truly felt blessed that so many people cared about me.  The next day things started going down hill...but I'll talk more about that in another post.

I have just been dwelling on that decision we had to make, and how grateful I am that it never had to come to pass.

Friday, March 7, 2014

We call and he always hears.

For Lent I am doing a study through  What's special about it is that every Friday its up to the ones following to write their own devotional on a passage that is given earlier in the week.  This week it was on Psalm 130.

How wonderful it is that when we call to God he is always listening.  Whether we are angry,  happy, or sad.  He knows we make mistakes which is why his forgiveness is neverending.  We only need to ask for it.

As we go through this Lenten season we must remember that God is always there to hear our prayers whether they are for us or someone else.  He is the most dependable being there is.  Trust in him, you might not get the answers you want or when you want them but they will come.